Saturday, October 25, 2008

Double double toil and trouble...

James and Jessica's halloween housewarming party was last night. We all had so much fun. Everyone's costumes looked really good, and it was nice to be able to spend some time with my co-workers outside of the hospital. The best costume award goes to Barbara and Wally. They looked so cute. Hope you like all of the pics... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

Me and Marquita, the waitress
Host and hostess for the evening

Tresha and Marquita...too bad Tresha didn't dress up.

Terri the little bumblebee

Jessica, Marquita, and Cari

Me and Cari

Cari, Rebecca, and Barbara

Me and James

Cari, me, and Barbara...oh and Harrison the little doggy

Rebecca and I...I wish she would have found a costume

Everyone loved Harrison. He was the life of the party.

Me and the little dalmatian. I was finally brave enough to hold him.

Wally and Barbara. They weren't really sure what they were, but I thought they looked really GREAT!!!

The devil and the pirate. What a pair! I love my new BFF!!!

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